Building Lives Upon The Firm Foundation Of God's Word

Wednesday Night Bible Study - Ken Needham - Audio Only

Feb 7, 2024    Ken Needham

Ken Needham heads an international ministry called Trans-Mission International. Ken has been faithfully teaching the Word of God for over 60 years around the world.

An atheist between the ages of seven and seventeen, Ken Needham became a Christian after twice reading the New Testament.  Since that time, the Lord has taken Ken to over 70 countries, worldwide to minister in churches, camps, conferences, universities and Bible colleges. Ken's ministry is both popular and fruitful with young and old alike.

The message of Trans-Mission is, quite simply, Jesus Christ. The authority for the message is the Bible, which is proclaimed with no apology as it is the Word of God. Jesus Christ, the Eternal Son of God is the only Saviour, and there is no other name whereby we may be saved.