What To Expect
Get to know more about what makes us different. Our desire is to help you know that you are welcomed by our church family.
This page is intended to help you know what to expect if you visit us.
Worship Service
A typical service will last about 90 minutes.
We sing a good mix of contemporary and traditional music that is led by our worship team. A typical service includes announcements, congregational singing, the public reading of Scripture, corporate prayer, and expository preaching (45-60 minutes).
Plan to hang around after the service for lite lunch, fellowship and meeting new people in the Fellowship Hall. Service begins at 10:00am and generally concludes around 11:30-40am. Typically, the first Sunday of each month we celebrate the Lord's Supper (Communion) together.
What kind of music do you play?
We have a blended style of music with both the great hymns of the Christian faith and theologically sound contemporary praise music led by a
contemporary praise team.
What age groups attend?
We have a healthy diversity of members ranging in age from young singles to elderly widows. There are a number of young families with young children as well as married couples without children in the home.
A typical service will last about 90 minutes.
We sing a good mix of contemporary and traditional music that is led by our worship team. A typical service includes announcements, congregational singing, the public reading of Scripture, corporate prayer, and expository preaching (45-60 minutes).
Plan to hang around after the service for lite lunch, fellowship and meeting new people in the Fellowship Hall. Service begins at 10:00am and generally concludes around 11:30-40am. Typically, the first Sunday of each month we celebrate the Lord's Supper (Communion) together.
What kind of music do you play?
We have a blended style of music with both the great hymns of the Christian faith and theologically sound contemporary praise music led by a
contemporary praise team.
What age groups attend?
We have a healthy diversity of members ranging in age from young singles to elderly widows. There are a number of young families with young children as well as married couples without children in the home.
What about child care?
We offer childcare during the morning services. On Sunday mornings, childcare is provided in our nursery which is available 15 minutes before the service begins for infants to 36 months. Children's Sunday School is provided for age 4 to 5th graders. Children are dismissed to their Sunday School classes after the music portion of our worship service at approximately 10:30am. Children are welcome to stay in the service with their parents if so desired.
What do people wear?
Most people dress in attire equivalent to business causal, while some dress more formal and still others simply dress casual.
We are currently a relatively small congregation (50-70 on a given Sunday), gathering in a sanctuary which has a 275-300 person capacity.
Currently, all services are in English only, however we do have some who speak Spanish in our congregation.
We offer childcare during the morning services. On Sunday mornings, childcare is provided in our nursery which is available 15 minutes before the service begins for infants to 36 months. Children's Sunday School is provided for age 4 to 5th graders. Children are dismissed to their Sunday School classes after the music portion of our worship service at approximately 10:30am. Children are welcome to stay in the service with their parents if so desired.
What do people wear?
Most people dress in attire equivalent to business causal, while some dress more formal and still others simply dress casual.
We are currently a relatively small congregation (50-70 on a given Sunday), gathering in a sanctuary which has a 275-300 person capacity.
Currently, all services are in English only, however we do have some who speak Spanish in our congregation.